
Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Wedding Wednesday: Bridesmaids

I have such exciting news to share with ya'll... Jess and I got engaged!!!! We are both SO happy and thrilled and can't wait to start the rest of our lives together. We got engaged a little over three weeks ago and have been enjoying every minute of it. Jess preferred to do it alone and privately which I loved, and then we FaceTimed both our families. We waited a few days before we told anyone else because I wanted to tell my grandparents in person. It was so worth waiting to tell them in person because their reaction was so precious and sweet. We actually went to Louisiana a few days later with Jess's parents to spend a weekend with them and do a little fishing. 

This was our first night of the Louisiana trip. We ate at Arnaud's in the French Quarter and it was one of the best meals I've ever had.

How beautiful was the sunrise on our first morning of fishing?

I had to include some fishing pictures of course. These are all redfish that we caught on the second day of fishing. The one on the right was HUGE and so hard to pull in. We had such a fun time out there on the water.

Coming back to reality after our fun trip, I had to ask my bridesmaids! I know I wanted to do something more than just calling them and asking if they would stand by me on my big day, and after searching around I finally decided I wanted to send each of my girls a little handwritten note asking them if they would be my bridesmaid! 

I ordered these cards off Etsy and could't have been more pleased. You can't tell from the pictures but the paper they were made out of had this little pearlescent sheen that was so pretty!

Once I found the cards, I saw these little heart shaped stickers that you could customize... obviously not a necessity but so cute I couldn't pass it up. I used them on the back of a few thank you notes as well. 

I'm so glad I could share this awesome news with ya'll. Stay tuned for more Wedding Wednesday posts throughout the year. We're getting married in December, but I'm hoping to have most of the larger details planned out this summer before I go back to school. 

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